What is Vibroacoustic Therapy?


What is Vibroacoustic Therapy? 

Vibroacoustic therapy is a relatively new modality that utilizes low frequency (30-120Hz) sound waves to produce vibration via speakers or transducers which is then applied to the body. This technology has been developing since 1980 when Norwegian therapist and researcher Olav Skille experimented with low frequency sounds and developed the first Vibroacoustic Chair in the latter part of the 1980s.

Why Use It?

Sound is carried much more efficiently through water than through air, and our bodies are made up of over 70% water, so these frequencies vibrate throughout your whole body. This enables you to experience a "cellular massage", as the sound travels and vibrates your cells, blood, lungs, heart, and all other areas unreachable through conventional means. Also, particular frequencies have been found to be effective towards not only promoting relaxation but also for the reduction of pain, as well as to assist in healing many different ailments. Users also report the promotion of varying states of consciousness.

Nirvanic Mind offers a vibroacoustic upgrade option for most products for those individuals who have a sound table or similar device or are looking into purchasing one. Try combining Nirvanic Mind products with a sound table and a Light and Sound (L&S) machine which is Audiostrobe® compatible for a truly multi-dimensional experience!

Studies In the Use of Vibroacoustic Therapy

Vibroacoustic therapy has been used in several different applications, from relaxation to increased reduction in post-operative recovery time. Many different widely published studies have been done proving the efficacy of vibroacoustic therapy. For example, in 1992 at the National Institute of Health, Dr. George Patrick, PH.D., utilized vibroacoustic therapy on 267 patients who were suffering from conditions such as cancer, mood disorders, and various organ disorders. After the treatment, patients perceived level of relaxation increased 33%. He also noted an overall 63% reduction of perceived pain. Since then, over 15,000 patients have been treated with this therapy at the institute. Another study from the Jupiter Medical Center of Florida showed chemotherapy patients reducing anxiety by 62.8% and fatigue by 61.6%. Duke University conducted a study with vibroacoustic therapy and cerebal palsy and found a 22% increase in range of motion of the patients. These are just a few of the many examples of the benefits of vibroacoustic therapy.


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